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Revealing fifa 16 cover

In fifa 16 cover, the star comes out as the Stephanie Catley as the female cover. As there is the introduction of the female players to FIFA 16, it might be no surprise for a woman to polish the cover of Electronic Arts while appearing football title. However, for the fifa 16 cover star, it indicated that the first woman player to be onto the cover of the franchise. Stephanie Catley of Australia has been declared as the fortunate one to introduce cover history of FIFA 16. Officially, EA Sports asserted that Catley overcome the global vote and took place for the first time in the franchise for the Australian cover of the game. 

The votes proved that that the Aussie became one of the preferred players. The associate of Westfield Matildas has indicated her thrilling to the devotees about the option. In a statement, Catley informed that she is being excited being the cover of FIFA 16. It is been a massive year for the Westfield Matildas and it is becoming this identification from EA Sports. It is hard work for the devotees of FIFA and it is a fantastic step for the women’s football for both local and global scale. Catley is to be a playable character in the game. Moreover, she is to be on fifa 16 cover together with the previously declared cover star Lionel Messi. Based on EA, the official disclosing of Australian FIFA 16 is to take place on 13 Aug in Sydney. 

The developer has also disclosed the new aspects that the devotees can consider in FIFA 16. When there is an interview of Forbes with the senior Producer of FIFA, Nick Channon asserted that there has been a development in the game all through. The team played around the agility of the players and judged how teams can protect as a unit on the midfield. The player invasions have also strengthened with the great moves. These are now being executed while endeavoring to intertwine their way around the field.  As FIFA 16 releases around the globe this September, the familiar face of FC Barcelona, Lionel Messi as the fifa 16 cover welcomes you. It is to be glad to seize the best player around the world once again as the face of the game. Relying upon the place in the world, it is to be the special regional covers characterizing Messi along with the other superstars. 

More than nine million votes took place in fifa 16 cover vote and it made plan to take part with Messi on the cover of the game in the diverse nations including The United Kingdom, Mexico, Latin America, France, and Australia. It was to highlight all the alternative covers of FIFA 16. The Mexico fifa 16 cover vote goes to C.D. Guadalajara's Marco Fabián as the winner. France FIFA 16 Cover Vote moves to Antoine Griezmann from Atlético Madrid. Chelsea FC's Juan Cuadrado became the victor of Latin America FIFA 16 Cover Vote. Likewise, The FIFA 16 cover in Japan characterizes Shinji Kagawa in his Borussia Dortmund kit. 


